Following His Footsteps

By Philosan, CSC –

Readings: Hos 14:2-10; Mk 12:28-34

One day I asked God, ‘where will I find you O, my Lord?’ God answered me saying ‘in all the hearts where love dwells.’ I have asked some times to God, God you love me so much you could have kept me with you? He said I want you to love me back as a human, living on this earth where you will have lots of other things wanting to destroy your love for me.

Today’s readings are asking the same from me. It is love that is my Lord wants, nothing else. There is no greater law than Love. This rule unites all creation and purifies all. Our dear Lord wants nothing but love. He doesn’t expect me to please him with all the wonderful things I could do with my talents and abilities.

Everything that I have is of God. Everything that I enjoy on this earth belongs to God. It is not right from my part to give to my Lord what is totally his to make him happy.

My Lord wants something of mine and that is Love, not the works which I can do, not the sacrifices that I make. He needs my love and that is what I would give my Lord. He loved me first and came to this earth and died for me. He loved me first he gave me this beautiful life. He loved me first he called me to follow his footsteps through the Congregation of Holy Cross. In reply to his unending love I love him with all of my heart, strength and will until I go back to his bosom of love.