Follow the Law of the Lord

By Nameswar Baliar Singh csc –

Readings: Heb 6:10-20; Mk: 2:23-28

‘The Sabbath was made for humankind and not humankind for the Sabbath’. When I reflect on this sentence, I recall the law and order, rules and regulations of our country and our society. As we are human, we tend to stick to the laws the authority imposes on us. But we forget our own life and the life situation of others. We remain in law but forget to live. But the idea of Jesus is different; we focus on laws, but Jesus focuses on the needs of the people. Jesus came to this world to fulfil the law of God; therefore he breaks the law of human being and allows his disciples to follow the law of God the Father. It is a human tendency to give importance to what is not relevant for our life. Therefore, Jesus teaches us by giving example of David.

He gave priority to the needs of the people even on Sabbath day. It is not the law which gives us assurance of hope and salvation but it is through faith and constant love towards people. As Christians we must walk in faith, in wisdom and knowledge. We need to carry out the spirit of holiness like the saints who walked before. Our every word and action must give life to others so that in doing that we are assured of hope. God made covenant with Abraham long ago but today he promises us, it is our responsibility to admire God’s work and wait with trust like Abraham.

Questions for us is, ‘how trustworthy servants we are, how confident we are in God’s promise and how patient to endure it.’ It is God who promises and fulfils his promise through Jesus Christ. What we need is to know that the ultimate purpose that God promises us must be helpful for others. Otherwise it is useless. So, let our works be genuine and our service be the source of hope and our love towards people give glory to God. Let us follow the law of the Lord so that we may be the children of God in heaven.