Follow the Good Shepherd

Eedara Vamshi csc –

Readings: Acts 11:1-18; Jn 10:1-10

Today, both readings invite me to experience the unconditional love of God. In the first reading, St. Peter sees a vision that is the sign of God accepting the Gentiles for the first time into the early Christian community. Peter is initially hesitant to associate with the Gentiles due to cultural and religious reasons but experiences a transformative revelation from God through a vision of unclean animals being declared as clean. Peter learns that God shows no partiality and welcomes all who fear him and do what is right.

In today’s context, we also try to judge people based on race, caste, religion, and other factors that continue to plague our society. It challenges us to confront our biases and prejudices, recognizing that God’s love extends to all people, regardless of their background or identity. It also invites us to embrace inclusivity and welcome others with open arms, just as God has welcomed us into his family.

In the gospel reading, we see Jesus use the metaphor of a shepherd and sheep to illustrate the relationship between himself and his followers. He declares himself as the gate for sheep, emphasizing that whoever enters through him will find safety, provision, and abundant life. Those who try to enter by other means, such as false prophets or deceitful leaders, are thieves and robbers who seek to steal, kill, and destroy. In a world where we often look for fulfilment through material possessions, status, or power, Jesus once again reminds us that lasting satisfaction can only be found when we surrender our lives to Jesus and follow him as our good shepherd.