Focus on the Joy That God Gives Us

By Jessel Pradeep Cutinha csc.

Readings: Song 2:8-14; Lk 1: 39-45

The readings today invite us to celebrate the joy of God’s presence in our lives. In the first reading, Solomon sings a love song to his beloved, using poetic images to describe their mutual attraction and delight. He uses this as a metaphor for the relationship between God and his people, who long for each other and rejoice in each other’s company.

Similarly, in the gospel reading of the day, the meeting between Mother Mary and her cousin Elizabeth brings joy and they both recognize the presence of the divine, emphasizing that they were blessed in the plan of God.

When we feel the presence of God in our lives, our lives too become joyful and meaningful. When we recognize the divine presence with us, others too become joyful like the John, the Baptist in today’s gospel.

Today like Mary, Elizabeth and John, the Baptist; we too are called to feel and experience God in the lives of the people we meet. For this, we need to first feel and experience God within us. Then our life becomes joyful, and we can extend the same joy of divinity to others. Let us reflect today on whether our lives are focused on the joy that God gives us, or on the sufferings and struggles that we face in our daily lives. Therefore, let us ask our Lord to keep us connected to the profound joy and purpose that he brings to our lives.