Find Time to Join in this Earthly Banquet

By Ajit Kumar Takiri csc –

Readings: Phil 2: 5-11; Lk 14: 15-24

We are busy with so many activities in our daily life; for some of us there is no time for eating, for others, there is no time to talk with their family, or relatives or friends or community members. This digital world has also made us forget what we are. By being busy in this world we do not find even a little time to think, reflect, examine and introspect on one’s own self and one’s own life.

If we look at our religion, we will realize that we are totally lost, we are far from the beliefs and practices of our own religion. As Roman Catholics, some of us are called as Sunday Christians, monthly Christians, Easter Christians, and Christmas Christians. We are given these types of names because we go to the church to participate in the Holy Eucharist only on these days.

As we are Roman Catholics, the blessings, the graces, the peace in the family, understanding between married couples and love towards our neighbours are not from anywhere else but from the holy Eucharistic celebration. Personally, I feel this is the most holy banquet from which we receive blessings through the body and blood of Christ. By being busy in so many activities, we hesitate to join in this banquet and sometimes, because of our ego and pride we are unable to join in the daily Eucharistic celebrations. Sometimes, we may join but may be not well prepared. To have meaningful celebrations, we must be well prepared.

Through the scripture readings of the day, the Lord invites each one of us to participate in this banquet of joy, peace, love and harmony. Let us find time to join in this earthly banquet every day in order to be worthy to join in the heavenly banquet.