Find Balance in Life

By Jijo Philip, CSC –

Readings: 1Sam 15:16-23; Mk 2:18-22

“The wedding guests cannot fast while the bridegroom is with them; can they?” This is the question that Jesus places in front of us today. The readings invite us to have a place for God in our day today life so that we will be able to find meaning and purpose in our daily living.

But then it is not so easy for us to give place for God in our life. It demands from me some sacrifices, a little extra time in my prayer, a kind action towards the poor and needy and a sense of commitment to my way of life. If I am able to do these things every day of life then I will be able have feast with my bridegroom Jesus Christ throughout my life.

But then there will be also times of crises and difficulties in our life, a time when we need to fast and pray in order to find the meaning of crisis and difficulties. Then we will be able to find balance in our life and we will become men of God or another Christ in this world. Today I pray for this grace from Jesus who is my bridegroom.