Faith, Trust in God Become Beacons of Light

Jessel Pradeep Cutinha csc –

Readings: Rom 4: 13,16-18; Lk 12: 8-12

From today’s readings, we learn about the significance of faith and trust in God’s promises and guidance. St. Paul in the first reading tells us how the faith of Abraham guaranteed grace on all his offspring. Abraham stood steadfast and firmly believed in God’s promises and therefore he became the father of many nations. The same promise we also hear in today’s gospel reading. Jesus promised that the person who acknowledges and lives for him will be given life in the presence of the angels of God. Acknowledging Jesus means to have deep faith and trust in him.

Those who put their faith and trust in Jesus will be persecuted in one way or the other, they will be answering to many authorities of the world, but Jesus promises us that at the end, our faith and trust in him will make the Holy Spirit to defend us and protect us.

The significance of having faith and trust in God and his promises is that we receive guidance from the Holy Spirit. Both the readings of the day highlight that the faith is not a passive belief in God but an active trust in God’s promises. It is our willingness to stand firm in our conviction, even at times when our faith is challenged.

St. Hilarion, today’s saint, who was born of a pagan couple tells us that the faith and trust in God guides us to live a saintly life. Though he was rich he sold all his belongings to care for the poor and lived an austere life in a desert. St. Hilarion’s life and today’s liturgy of the word encourage us to nurture our faith and trust in God’s promises and guidance. Deep faith and trust in God become for us a source of strength to live a righteous life and become beacons of light for us in our spiritual journey.