Faith in Him Never Fails Us

Kulandai Albert csc –

Readings: Acts 25: 13a-21; Jn 21: 15-19

Today, the liturgy of the word invites us to focus on the theme “Our faith never fails us.” We cannot control what other people say about us, but we can control our reaction. When we are falsely accused, we have an opportunity to bring glory to God by following the examples of Paul and Jesus.

Paul had a deep intimacy with Jesus which made him to minister even in his suffering. As Paul completed his third missionary journey, concerned church members warned him not to return to Jerusalem. However, he responded by affirming his willingness to die in Jerusalem for the sake of Christ. Where there is no love, there is no life. Paul was filled with the love of Jesus, which was expressed in his faith in him. With that faith he could do his ministry tirelessly.

In the gospel, St. Peter’s faith in Jesus was tested. Jesus asked Peter three times, “Do you love me?” He shows us that love is a personal choice and a gift freely given. It involves giving of oneself to another person. Unselfish love is oriented wholly to the good of the other.

This was the example that Jesus set before his disciples. Therefore, St. Peter’s faith in Jesus never failed him. Though he denied Jesus, later he willingly accepted to die upside down on the cross for the sake of his Lord. That was his faith in Jesus.

That was his love for Jesus. His faith never failed him to do the will of Jesus and spread the good news to all people. Let us pray that our love for Jesus and our faith in Him may never fail us to do the will of God in our life.