Faith as a Mustard-Seed

By Fr. Adolf Washington –

An atheist opened a pub next to a Church. The Church pastor and its members failed to convince him to shift, as the serenity of the place was disturbed. They went on a one week all-night prayer service seeking God’s intervention. A week later, a terrible lightning struck down the pub.

The atheist pub-owner sued the Church, holding their prayers responsible for the loss. When the church argued they were not responsible, the Judge declared “This is the strangest case I have ever seen. An atheist believes in answered prayers and a whole church congregation takes no responsibility for their prayers”.

The real test of our faith is not to be surprised that our prayers get answered but to be sure of the things we pray for. Faith defined in the letter to the Hebrews is “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1). Prayers are not a trial of the power of God, but a deep conviction that what is humanly impossible becomes possible with God. If we have even an iota of doubt over our prayers, they surely won’t be answered.

A village suffered severe drought. People gathered in the church campus to pray for rain. The priest upbraided them “We have all come here to pray for rain. I see all of you with prayer books and hymnals, but only one little boy with an umbrella here”.

Jesus said ‘If you have faith as tiny as a mustard seed you can move mountains’ (Mathew 17:20). The analogy finds great meaning. Though it is one of the smallest seeds, the trees can grow up to 20 feet tall and 20 feet wide and can grow in arid, dry climates and thrive even in clay or sandy soil. It can grow in hot, dry weather or cool, wet climates. Even if it cut down to the trunk, it can grow back again.

The mustard seed is symbolic of our faith through life’s many seasons of failure and success, joys and sorrows, poverty and plenty, pain and pleasure, poverty and prosperity and poverty, loneliness and companionship, betrayals and loyalties, brimming life and impending death.

If a mustard seed can grow through thick and thin, our strong mustard-seed-faith can see us through life’s mountains and valleys.