Extend Your Helping Hands to Those in Need

Thamajoy Reang csc –

Readings: Ex 16: 1 – 5, 9 – 15; Mt 13: 1 – 9

We are often busy reading different types of books, stories, materials, and gain information through social media. We dare to gain the world through our achievements but fail to take in and keep the word of God which has the knowledge of eternal life.

Through the Gospel of the day the Lord invites me to make myself interested in reading and reflecting on God’s word, so that the fruits of the Holy Spirit may be shared with the people around me. But I ask myself, how can I preach the word of God here in my relationship with others? Am I ready to bear fruits and have the openness to share them with my brothers and sisters?

The readings challenge me. In our gatherings we speak about many things; we speak about political affairs, we speak about sports, we speak about our traditions and cultures. We gossip, criticize, and speak ill about others. But hardly we speak about the values of the Gospel.

Therefore, today, the readings invite me to stand for the Lord who is the author of my life. I become his messenger when I make myself available in sharing his words with my friends and companions. When I extend my helping hands to those in need, I sow the seeds God’s word into their lives.