Experiencing His Healing and Liberation

Eldho Augustine csc –

Readings: Heb 2: 5-12; Mk 1: 21-28

Today’s gospel passage is a typical day in the life of Jesus in which he carries out the main activities of his mission – teaching and healing. Jesus’ authority is empowering and liberating, it is not oppressive or conquering.

Jesus, the Son of God, had all the authority in the world—in the universe. God created all things through him and put all things under him. So even these spirits that turned evil, though he allowed them to exist, were completely subject to him (Col 1:16; Eph 1:20-21). Yet Jesus did not use his incomparable authority the way we humans tend to use our little authority. For many humans, authority becomes merely a means of enriching oneself, of getting one’s own way, of suppressing the truth, and of getting and holding the power to keep doing those things.

Jesus uses authority to serve, not to be served. And that is how he wants us to use whatever authority we might have. Whether our authority is at home, at work, or somewhere else, he wants us to use it to help others, not to make ourselves into big shots or Boss.

Can we welcome the same empowering and liberating authority of Jesus in our lives? Can we listen to his teaching by steeping ourselves in his Gospel message and experiencing his healing and liberation in our daily life?