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Experience the Sacrifice of Self Interest

By Antony Jayaraj, CSC –

Readings: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Mk 6:45-52

The liturgy of the day comforts me in one way and challenges me in another way. In the gospel, Jesus’ comforting words, “Do not be afraid” make me secure in his love. On facing problems and confused situations, Jesus comes in different ways to help me face problems and difficulties of life.

However acute the issues and towering problems, one can easily discern the providential care of Jesus’ guiding hands and loving presence in the word of God, liturgy, and our sisters and brothers. What troubles me is that we lack the courage and commitment to utter, “I am there for you” to someone who is in trouble and pain.

In the light of the first reading, I am made aware of the kind of love that I need to develop and grow as it drives out fear. It is a challenge for me when I end up in fear and rejection upon expressing my love for others. Expression of love and trust requires action borne out of experience of sacrificing self-interest for others. Hence I am invited to grow from selfish to altruistic love. Perhaps ‘True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen,’ says Foucault.