Experience the Manifested God ‘Jesus’

By Ishongkun Kurbah csc –

Readings: Is 10:5-7, 13-16; Mt 11:25-27

I have heard priests preaching that some professors who have taught theology exceptionally well unfortunately could find no meaning in life. What could be the impediments that made them fail to find meaning and happiness in life?

It  could  probably  be that  they  did  not  experience  God  in  their  profession,  and  just studied God in their intellectual capacity and not from their heart and faith experience.

It could be their pride, or that their heart was closed and was not open to surrender to God’s will. Everything remains hidden in our life. We do not really know what will happen to us the next day. Forget the next day, we do not really know what is going to come in the next minute or hour.

However brilliant and intelligent we may be, however smart, successful, and wealthy we may be, the fact that we are only human, living in the mercy and love of God, remains unchanged. I do not think that God does not want to reveal himself to everyone.

I believe that Jesus came to this world to manifest the true nature of God: that of love and mercy to everyone regardless of differences. We must be humble and open our heart and mind to experience this love and mercy and God himself in our life. Then life will not be a frustration and a burden. Life becomes meaningful when we experience the manifested God ‘Jesus’ as true Saviour and Redeemer in our life.