Experience the Grace of Forgiveness

By Amala William csc –

Readings: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11; Lk 5:1-11

The readings of the day invite us to meditate upon God’s call and our human response. In the first reading, Prophet Isaiah was called by the Lord, but he responded with hesitation about his unclean lips and the wicked locality where he hailed from.

In the second reading, St. Paul acknowledges who he is and what he was doing to the Christians. He considers himself the least worthy of all to be called an Apostle. In the gospel, Jesus directs Simon to let down his net for a big catch. After the catch, Simon tells Jesus, ‘I am a sinful man.’

In the three readings of the day, we come across the call of God to do his mission. The called ones have shown reluctance and expressed their inability and unworthiness by looking at what they had done. But God looks at our core being and asks us what we can do in the future;
something which we fail to look at ourselves or are not aware of. He makes the so-called worthy candidates to do his will.

Later, these people have come up with great courage and the strength to risk their lives for the sake of the good news of God. Several of us would have had such a life-changing experience from God or through the people to whom we have caused wrong.

The God who has called us out of our sinfulness has entrusted us with the mission of spreading his love. It is an opportunity for us to change our lives by doing good. May we dwell upon that grace-filled experience of forgiveness from God and one another