Experience Jesus Amidst Us

Naresh Namindla csc –

Readings: Acts 18: 1-8; Jn 16:16-20

In today’s gospel reading, Jesus says tohis disciples, ‘a little while you will not see me and a little while you will see me.’ The disciples of Christ did not understand what Jesus meant by that.
Here the risen Lord tries to tell his disciples that the time of his ascension is near.

His disciples will no longer be able to see him but at the same time the disciples will see and experience his presence later. Jesus needs to ascend to his Father in order to be present with us in the world.

In the first reading, St. Paul decides to go to the gentiles proclaiming to them about Christ. People in response to his teaching were baptised in the name of Jesus. The words of Jesus, which is ‘a little while you will see’, has been fulfilled through the proclamation of the apostles.

Though Jesus ascended into heaven, he is ever present amidst us through sacraments and prayers. We need to be faithful and believe that Jesus is present amidst us whether we are aware of it or not. We are often not aware of the presence of Jesus amidst us because we are busy thinking about our past, present, and future.

Therefore, today’s liturgy invites us to experience Jesus amidst us and not to be doubtful of his presence.