Every Good Deed Springs from the Spirit of God

John Desing csc –

Readings: Jer 20:10-13; Jn 10:31-42

If we genuinely follow what God commanded us to do, we will certainly face some sort of opposition and criticism just as Jesus did. Most often people criticize the church and its mission because they are not willing to accept the message of Christ which demands a change of heart from their end.

The Jews tried to stone Jesus not because of his good deeds but because Jesus claimed himself to be the Son of God. The Jews failed to see the supernatural power in Jesus as the Son of God and his authority over the devil. Their eyes and hearts were blinded by the religious fanaticism which was the consequence of not understanding the spirit of the law.

We can also have the attitude of the Jews when we tend to see the reality of life only from human perspective. Do we see God’s intervention in the ordinariness of our life? By moving away from the Jews to other side of Jordan Jesus teaches us a lesson that we need to
move on and enlarge our horizon. We should get out of our comfort zone or never waste time trying to prove that what we do is right. Even if no one appreciates what I do I must not give up.

On the other hand, I need to appreciate the good deeds of others. The world today in fact is mesmerized by the humanitarian values and social work of Christians but unwilling to embrace Christianity. However, no one can deny the truth that every good deed and act of charity springs from the spirit of God, who is the cause of all benevolence.