Entrust Our Families to the Holy Family

By Naresh Namindla csc –

Readings: 1Sam 1: 20-22, 24-28; 1Jn 3: 1-2,21-24; Lk 2: 41-52

Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Holy Family, which consists of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. Yesterday, we celebrated the birth of child Jesus and today we celebrate and honour this family in which child Jesus grew up.

This family is called Holy because God was at the centre, leading and protecting them in bringing up child Jesus in the path of God and, like any other human being, with earthly and heavenly values. This Holy Family is the model for all families. Joseph and Mary were instrumental in the growth of Jesus. Jesus grew up with the knowledge and wisdom of God.

This family knew the purpose of the birth of Jesus on the earth, which has to reveal God the Father to the people. Joseph and Mary cooperated with Jesus in doing the will of God. One such incident we witness in the gospel reading of today.

Joseph, Mary, and Jesus were present in a temple for the feast. After the feast, without the knowledge of his parents, Jesus was sitting amidst elders, listening, and asking questions to them. When the troubled parents of Jesus caught him after three days, Jesus says to them, ‘I am in my father’s house.’

In today’s first reading, as per her promise to God, Hannah dedicated her son Samuel to the temple by keeping him under the care of the priest Eli, so that he could offer his life in service of God. The second reading clearly mentions that God raised our status as children of God out of love for us.

As his children, we are called to reveal Jesus to others by our way of life, by following the commandments and loving others as Jesus did. As we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family, let us entrust all our families under the care, guidance, and protection of Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary.