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Enjoying God’s Presence

By Richardson P, CSC –

Readings: 1Mac 6: 1-13; Lk 20: 27 – 40

Today the reading invites us to have strong faith in the resurrection. Resurrection is joy of new life, where we each of us individually enjoys the living presence of God. In today’s Gospel reading we see Jesus being questioned by Pharisees and Sadducees to answer about life after death. Jesus, by comparing the heavenly life with an earthly life, explained to them the whole idea of resurrection.

Jesus talked about what would happen to us and what we would become at our resurrection. For Jesus, resurrection is the new life and the new world of human life with God. Resurrection also includes the whole of our earthly life, particularly one’s own hope, trust and dependency on God for the experience of blissful life. Our earthly life and one’s own preparation can lead us to the extreme realm of peaceful and joyful life in God’s house.

A constant listening to God’s voice, witnessing the words of Jesus by our actions, sharing of our own faith experiences to others, showing much interest in spiritual exercises, helping others to understand the core of our Christian faith, explaining clearly about our Lord’s resurrection to the others will enable us to reach our destination and enjoy God’s presence in a whole new way.

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