Enhance Life in Fullness

By Antony Jayaraj, CSC —

Readings: Num 20: 1 – 13; Mt 16: 13 – 23

There is dichotomy between what we feel (the core) and what we do (the action of the mind). From time immemorial, the expertise of different disciplines like psychology, theology, philosophy and science speak perspectives about the mind and heart of the person. The educational institutions are focusing more on the intellectual aspect of the student than imparting values of the heart (core of the person).

This reflection is not to focus on what is superior or inferior, but how well both can coordinate and enhance life in fullness.

In the Gospel, Peter’s declaration affirms the identity of Jesus. However, the revelation was not only about Jesus but Peter’s subtle relationship with Jesus. His expression about Jesus was at his personal level and later there was a shift in his expression which was rebuked sternly by Jesus.

Basil Moreau once said, “The mind cannot be cultivated at the expense of heart.” In any given moment, how do I express myself in relation to Jesus? Perhaps he would tell me, “You are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.” The first reading invites me to be a witness of God’s holiness before others. The heart and mind need to be congruent in my personal relationship with Jesus. As a consequence, my life needs to vibrate, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Am I ready to answer Jesus who is asking me, “Who do you say that I am?”