Draw Strength From The Lord

By Naresh Namindla csc –

Readings: 2Kgs 4: 42-44; Eph 4: 1-6; Jn 6: 1-15

Today’s readings tell us the role of a prophet, “the man of God”. In the first reading, prophet Elisha fed hundreds of people with twenty loaves of bread. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish.

In the first reading, people knew Prophet Elisha who fed them. He did it, to fulfill the scripture. But in the gospel, people recognized Jesus as a prophet only after they were fed with the loaves of bread and fish. Through these readings we know that the role of a prophet is not only for warning as often we see in the Old Testament but also to care.

Jesus was concerned about the people who came to listen to him; he took the responsibility of feeding them. As servants of God, we are called to pay attention to the problems of the people and respond actively to satisfy their needs.

The Covid-19 pandemic situation provides us not only with an opportunity to reach out to the people but also challenges us to be active prophets amidst the people. We can face this challenge of being amidst the people only if we believe in the words of St. Paul who says that we are all one in body and spirit. So let us draw strength from the Lord to become active prophets who not only warn people but also care for them when necessary.