Draw Courage From Jesus

By John Desing csc –

Readings: 2 Kgs 5: 1-15; Lk 4: 24-30

Things, people, or phenomena, that appear ordinary or insignificant can become extraordinary in the sight of God and in the hearts of the humble.

Naaman, the leper that we find in the first reading never expected that his servant girl would direct him to Prophet Elisha for a cure. Even more, Naaman was furious to be directed to dip in river Jordan because these were rivers of greater significance in his country than the river Jordan.

Similarly, in the gospel reading, we find Jesus’ prophetic voice challenging the Pharisees, that his messianic good news is for all people, especially the widows, the lost and not just the externally well-disposed ones. The attitude of self-righteousness, complacency, and inability to see goodness in every human person prevents us from experiencing inner healing and wholeness in our life.

In today’s context, we encounter prophets in different forms, sometimes, in very ordinary ways. Do we listen to these prophetic voices and mend our ways just as Naaman did, even though it is painful to accept change? Or are we like the people in the synagogue, who neither accept the prophets nor understand their need for healing? Let us not be discouraged when our good work and service is darkened by opposition just as Jesus experienced during his time. Let us draw courage from Jesus to speak the truth and do what is right.