Do Not Waver in Your Focus on Jesus

By Vicky Lamin Gayang csc –

Readings: Ezek 24:15-24; Mt 19:16-22

The Gospel presents the story of a rich young man who went to seek Jesus’ direction on how to gain eternal life. The rich man was a good and honest person who kept up all the commandments. But one thing that he lacked was his willingness to let go of his possessions and share the wealth with the poor.

Having riches and possessions is not a sin but when we are attached to it and not able to let go for the sake of the Kingdom of God, then it becomes a sin. We often think that wealth and money can give us happiness and contentment in life. However, with money we cannot buy happiness or a ticket to enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, let us not allow ourselves to be possessed by our own belongings or allow our riches to control us.

Instead let us seek God to direct our life according to his holy will. We all wish to enter eternal life. But what am I to do to obtain eternal life? What do I still lack in achieving eternal life? These are the questions we need to ask Jesus like the rich young man in the Gospel.

However, Jesus has given us three things to do to have an eternal life. Firstly, ‘to give up everything’ that hinders us from following Christ, our attachments, our pride, addictions, power, hunger, etc. Secondly, Jesus said ‘Come’. He is inviting us to come to him who has the word of eternal life and who will show us the way that will lead to the kingdom of God. Thirdly, Jesus said ‘Follow me’. As Christians, we are called to follow Jesus’ direction and walk in his footsteps. We are called to learn how to follow him rather than going our own way. Therefore, we pray for the spirit of real detachment so that we can keep our unwavering focus on following Jesus more closely every day of our lives.