Do Not Be Engulfed in Fear

By Pritam Dangwar csc –

Readings: Job 38:1.8-11; 2 Cor 5:14-17; Mk 4:35-41

In the first reading, we witness God’s answer to Job when he was facing a difficult time in his life. God assures his divine providence by supporting and standing by him. The second reading tells that we become a new creation when we are with Jesus Christ. We become one because we rise with him in faith on the last day.

Sometimes, we are fearful and overwhelmed because of odd situations that really paralyze us to think and act positively. We lose hope when faced with uncertainty and desolate conditions in life as disciples did while their boats were about to sink. In the gospel, we see that the Apostles were panicking and fearful. It looks like that they did not realize that the Lord was with them.

In life, we find the fear engulfing us in the absence of faith because we are not rooted enough in Christ Jesus. At times we doubt the presence of God in life, and we do not dare to take risks and responsibility to respond to the needy. But Jesus was attentive and active to respond to the call of his disciples. So, I need to have faith in Jesus to not fear and be in doubt.