Do I Show Love or Am I Self-Centered?

By Eldho Augustine csc –

Readings: Gal 1: 6-12; Lk 10: 25-37

In today’s gospel, we find that the teacher of law is anxious about how to receive the eternal life. At the same time, he tests Jesus by asking questions. Jesus was convinced of his own actions and the way his thoughts made others change their way of life.

Through the example of Good Samaritan, this gospel invites us to act as good Christians. We are called to become Good Samaritans wherever we are and wherever we go. When we see the suffering of others, we tend to avoid them. We are called to awaken the Good Samaritan in each of us and serve the suffering and needy with love and kindness without any fear. We live within our comfortable zones where our eyes fail to see, ears fail to hear, hands fail to reach out to the needy, and our tongues fail to speak for the poor. Today God has given us the chance to reflect on our lives and see, where do I stand? Therefore, let us ask ourselves.

Do I show love and kindness to those people around me who are suffering mentally, physically, and spiritually or do I ignore them as the priest and Levite and be self-centered? Let us ask Lord to open our eyes, ears, and heart to see and hear the cry of the needy and extend our help towards them with courage, commitment, and dedication.