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Do Acts of Love and Care

Santhiya Philomone csc –

Readings: Job 9:1-12; Lk 9:57-62

Today’s Gospel reminds us of the great cost of discipleship. The discipleship costs everything a person is and has. The master offers no luxury, no comfort, and no materialism but self-denial and sacrifice. We find this truth in Luke 9:23, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

The one who responds to the call of Jesus must follow him immediately with undivided attention. When I make a decision to follow Jesus, I must give first place to Jesus in my life and must not turn back influenced by the values of material world.

My efforts to follow Jesus involves everything that I do to reflect His goodness to others. Every day I get many opportunities to know more of Jesu and learn his ways. I must give myself to his passions and thoughts. I need to share his enthusiasm for proclaiming the good news Lord, I too am chosen by you as your ambassador. This brings me closer to you. You trust me to be the Good News in the present life. Let my life become sign of your presence as I try to do acts of love and care.