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Discerning Your Daily Plan

By Amala William, CSC –

Readings: 1Sam 1:1-8; Mk 1:14-20

In the first reading Elkanah comforts his distressed barren wife saying, ‘Am I not more to you than ten sons?’ he stresses on the presence of him than the absence of children in their life.

In the Gospel reading we see two parts A) Jesus begins his Galilean ministry by preaching about the coming of God’s kingdom, repentance and to believe in the good news. B) Jesus calls his first disciples from the fishermen folk. Both readings of the day invite us to make change in one’s life and trust in God’s providence. The mission of Jesus begins with the positive note of asking the people to turn from evil to good.

The interior disposition of heart and mind brings forth the fruit of external transformation. Jesus’ call to those men at work seems to be very peculiar. He chooses the fishermen to be his disciples and to carry on his mission. In my life I try to understand my call as mysterious, trying to reason in what possible way I am worthy of following him? The word of God revealed to me saying, ‘the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.’ (1Sam16:7).

I firmly believe that the Lord makes the ordinary men (disciples) to do the extraordinary work of preaching amidst the adversaries and doing miracles in his name. He who called each of us will make us worthy of him to do as he wants. Ultimately, he is the harvester and we are his obedient labourers, who only listen to the master’s guidelines to follow as he teaches. Gracious Lord, help us to discern your daily plan for us, that we may live to spread your bountiful.