Demonstrate Your Faith in Jesus

Akhsi Wary csc –

Readings: 1Cor 11:17-26, 33; Lk 7:1-10

In today’s first reading we see Saint Paul’s instructions to the Corinthians about proper observance of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Saint Paul recalls the institution of the Lord’s Supper by Jesus and he urges the Corinthians to be inclusive and to care for one another and thus to demonstrate their unity and love with one another in the body of Christ. Yes, for us also the celebration of the Holy Eucharist is an occasion to demonstrate and share our faith experience, our unity, love and affection for one another. It is unlike any other gathering, a gathering of AGAPE, a feast of love and thanksgiving.

In the Gospel reading we see a centurion who seeks Jesus out for the healing of his slave. This particular incident today provides us a model of faith, and humility. This man being a centurion, humble himself and seeks Jesus’ help and eventually receives the reward. Jesus was really touched by the acknowledgement of the centurion who said “I am not worthy to have you under my roof”, and his genuine concern for his slave. Yes, there is something to learn for us as Christians from this centurion. Yes, he is a model of faith, humility and compassion, taking trouble on account of a slave.

This teaches us to be a person who renders service even to the least important to us. This centurion even did not encounter Jesus face to face yet believed and trusted Jesus and His power of His word. That shows how great his faith is. Therefore the readings of the day invite us to demonstrate our faith in Jesus by loving and caring for one another as brethren, which will gradually nurture our spirit of faith.