Cultivate Openness and Humility

Kulandai Albert csc –

Readings: Amos 7:10-17; Mt 9:1-8

Today, the liturgy of the word invites us to evaluate our paralytic attitude towards other people and, our spiritual life. To overcome suchan attitude, we need openness and humility to accept others in our life. In the gospel reading, Jesus heals a paralytic man.

Jesus admired the faith of people who brought the paralytic man. On the other hand, Jesus was upset with the attitude of the Scribes, who criticized him for being compassionate towards the sick.

In the first reading, though Prophet Amos was criticized by Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, he courageously faced them and brought the oracle of the Lord to Israel. However, the Israelites were not ready to listen to God. Instead, they justified themselves with self-righteousness.

The attitude of paralysis grows in us due to self-righteousness and blaming others for our troubles. There are two responses given to Jesus’ miracle. One was a positive response from ordinary people who gathered around him and listened to him and brought sick people for healing.

Another one was a negative response from the educated, who criticized Jesus and condoned him as a blasphemer. Many times, in our life too, we are paralytic in our behaviour and in our spiritual life. When we are opposed by others in our work or attitudes, we justify ourselves with self-righteousness and by blaming others for our troubles.

Sometimes, even in our prayers, we stand before the Lord as a self-righteous person that we have done everything and have followed him faithfully. We fail to accept ourselves with openness and humility. Due to this attitude, we fail to understand God’s plan in our life. So, let us cultivate openness and humility in our attitude and accept other people in our life.