Church in India Expresses Solidarity wIth Sri Lanka

Bangalore: The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) has pledged it closeness with with the victims of the multiple bomb blasts that took place in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday.

In a statement, Most Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao, Archbishop of Goa and Daman and the current president of CCBI, has proposed that Churches in India observe coming Sunday, 28th April, 2019 – Divine Mercy Sunday — as a day of prayer and solidarity with the Church and people of Sri Lanka.

During the Eucharistic celebrations on that day, special prayers of the faithful will be added for the departed souls, the injured and the affected families who are plunged in grief and pain due to these senseless attacks.

“I would also like to urge you to spend some time in prayer before the Eucharistic Risen Lord,so that the country of Sri Lanka may experience healing and receive the gift of peace,” the archbishop said.

“In addition, a candle-light prayer or procession could be organized wherever possible, to draw the attention of our people to the gruesome tragedy occurred in our neighbouring country and to invite them to pray with us for peace and harmony throughout the world,” the archbishop added.

Meanwhile in Bengaluru, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Bengaluru, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, while expressing his profound sadness urged the entire Christian Community to take time to express sympathies and solidarity with the people of Sri Lanka in their hour of unprecedented crisis.

A candle-lit peace gathering was organised at the city’s Town Hall on Tuesday and at 7 pm at the Archbishop’s House on Wednesday. Muslim leaders, pastors, religious sisters, and lay faithful were present in large numbers..