Celebrate Imperfections

By Shiju Joseph csc –

Readings: Song 2:8-14; Lk 1: 39- 45

Two ordinary women in whose lives God had been involved in an extraordinary way meet in today’s gospel. One is a young maiden and the other is too old: both cannot be pregnant, but both are. Together they stand as witness to the miracles God performs in the lives of people. What transpires in this meeting is incredible. There is an outpouring of pure joy, that is felt even by the baby in Elizabeth’s womb. And the words of Elizabeth fully express the mood of the meeting. She also recognizes in Mary someone who believed the words of the Lord.

When we meet people who share the same philosophy of life as ours, or those who have had very similar experiences as ours, there is an instant connection. Similarly, when two people who have both allowed God to work in them in any way God wants, there is a spark of joy! We have heard of this to happen when two saints meet.

What happens when I meet another person? What do I see in the other person? Do I see someone whom God has chosen to fulfil his plan and therefore a cause of joy? Or do I see his/her gender, colour, race, caste, or language? How do our words and mood reflect on the meeting? I often struggle to see past the hurts and the pains associated with the other. It’s time I look at myself as an imperfect instrument in the hands of God, and gratefully recognize in the others the same God’s handiwork. When we meet, may our words express joy at being God’s instruments, not grumble about the imperfections.