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Can I Become a Cornerstone?

Aldo Brandon Vibi, CSC –

Readings: Gen 37:3-7, 12-13, 17-28; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46

The parable of the wicked tenants comprises the history of Old and New Testament begins with Exodus and ends with the crucifixion of Jesus.

This parable in a way labels all the eminent personnel of Old Testament like Moses, Jacob, Joseph the dreamer, David, Prophets, Judges, as a cornerstone. They were cornerstones in the history for different periods of time to protect the Israelites inside the fence of righteousness and just living.

But they failed to be righteous people and became like the Pharisees and chief priests in the gospel. Hence God never ceased to seek for cornerstones, to produce fruits in the kingdom of heaven. It is an invitation for me and to all the Christians to be a catalyst in the unjust world.

Today the society longs to have new reformers who bring out a just society and leaders who are authentic. Moreover, the highest good human life is at risk. It has lost its value and we hear numerous brutal deaths that take place in and around us. Can I become a cornerstone? Or who will produce fruits in the kingdom of heaven? Or who will be a next martyr in the unjust society? May God help us be a cornerstone of the just world?