Build Up Trust in God’s Power

Tarsish Marak csc –

Readings: Jer 7:23-28; Lk 11: 14 – 23

In the first reading, we are told that if people obey God’s command he will be their God and they shall be his people. But people did not obey and listen to God. They did as they wished. I remember my parents who always insisted us to listen and obey.

When we failed to listen to our parents, we experience the result of disobedience within the family and among the siblings. Our parents teach us the truth and their advice is powerful. Ignatius of Loyola says ‘obedience is a disciple’s first duty’.

Today’s Gospel reading is the manifestation of God’s care for the one who was possessed by a demon. Jesus freed the man. The demon obeyed Jesus. However, people failed to accept and understand the casting out of demons by Jesus. Perhaps this is what the gospel invites me to reflect on.

Casting out the demon is in the nature of God because God and demons do not go together. When God touches, the demon cannot remain in the person. Our God is powerful and mighty. If I am led by the spirit of God I will not allow the demon to enter in me and will not allow injustice to occur in the church, in society, and my life. So, I need to build up trust in God’s power to bring about a better society and Church.