Bringing Newness of Life

By Richardson P, CSC –

Readings: Ez 1: 1 – 6; Lk 8: 16 – 18

Today, the readings invite us to experience the joy of carrying God’s light in our hearts and to bear witness to it. The light of God symbolizes God’s inspiring words, his marvelous presence and the fruit of the human life.

In the Gospel reading we see Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s light. The Symbol of lampstand and light make it clear that we are the chosen people called to shine and to illumine the life of the people who believe and live. In a world of superstitions, apostasy in the sacraments and sacred things, people are reluctant to listen, understand the voice of God and examine their life in the light of the Gospel to discern his will for them.

Jesus is the true light of the world. By his total self-giving to the humanity, he has shown and proven to us that all of us are capable of bringing newness of life in others. Total commitment in God’s mission, constant prayerful support for his people, sharing our faith and partaking in all the sufferings of the people is the core of God’s light. These acts will encourage us to see the light of God shine in us and will enable us to bring his people nearer to his kingdom.