Believe That We Are Not Alone in Our Journey

By John Desing csc –

Readings: Num 21:4-9; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17

Today the church celebrates the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, the
tree of life and salvation. We are created out of love. We are also reconciled and redeemed because of God’s love through the cross. God shows his persistent love for us through his messengers, prophets, leaders, and ultimately through his only Son who died on the cross for us.

God can turn evil into good, sinners into saints, sorrow into joy, and curse into blessings; provided we allow ourselves to be touched by him. The cross, which was a symbol of shame and death, now becomes a sign of glory and new life. Therefore, we exalt not the wood but Christ who died on the cross.

The cross teaches us that those painful situations and sufferings can be pathways to better life that can help us understand the sufferings of others too. The sign of the cross is a special mark of our faith, and hence, our knee should bow in veneration to the cross of Christ. We need to take time gazing at the cross, for in it we find forgiveness of our trespasses and we are raised to the height of holiness.

Do we believe that the cross is significant for us today? The cross is meaningless unless we admit that we are sinners, in need of God’s healing grace. Because of our greed for money, power, and position we become impatient with God and others. The poison of sin has afflicted us to the point of death and shame, yet we pretend everything is fine.

Let us not be ashamed of embracing that cross by acknowledging that we are sinners. The cross is a treasure for our soul. It reminds us how much God loved us. Let us take up our own crosses daily and believe that we are not alone in our journey.