Believe in the Gift from His Vineyard

By Eldho Augustine csc –

Readings: Is 30: 19-21, 23-26; Mt 9: 35 – 10: 1, 5a, 6-8

God is the beginning and the end. He who has created us will guard and help us to endure our pain. In the first reading, Prophet Isaiah says, “When you cry, he will listen; when he hears, he will answer. When he gives seed for planting, he gives rain and also protects from all kind of destruction; so that it will bear fruit in abundance.” It is a reminder for us to have faith and trust in God who cares for everyone. His eyes, ears, and saving hands are always on us.

In today’s gospel reading, we find the vineyard is large but there are not enough laborers to work. As consecrated men and women, we are specially called and chosen by God to work in his vineyard. We have many privileges in this world. As Jesus gave his apostles the authority to drive out the unclean spirit, heal every disease and bring the dead back to life; he instructs us too.
We have the power to heal! We may ‘heal’ others by listening to them. We may ‘heal’ by giving an unexpected gift of ‘our time’ or ‘ability’.

Do I believe this? Do I use my gift for healing? Whom will I reach out today? And most importantly, can we heal with a touch, with loving words, or perhaps by simply listening to another with full attention? Today we are called to believe in ourselves and exercise our ‘gifts’ and ‘authority’ to work in his vineyard.