Believe in God to Lead a Holy and Happy Life

By Pravin S csc –

Readings: Zep 3: 1-2, 9-13; Mt 21: 28-32

The liturgy invites us to repent and trust in God in all circumstances. Some of the circumstances makes us doubt the existence of God and may create chances to go away from the Lord by depending on oneself and forgetting the presence of God in our lives. When we give
importance and place ourselves at the centre of our lives, it is a sign that we are slowly moving away from the blessings of God, where suffering and pain will enter our life.

In the first reading, we see that the people of Jerusalem were not faithful to God and were not ready to accept the truth or repent for their sins and turn back to God. God gives warning to all the people of Jerusalem to repent and listen to him in order to be in communion with him. Sometimes we too behave like the people of Jerusalem; neglecting the truth and not ready to repent. It is an invitation to all of us to strengthen our faith and surrender our life to him. He is the person who remains as a bridge between God and humans. So, let us welcome and allow him to work in our life.

The gospel reading gives us an invitation to believe and have a deep union with God. We have many situations when we blame God.

Sometimes we might have negative feelings and hatred towards God because of some bad incident in our lives. God has created everything for our good, where different situations teach us lessons. We have a good number of saints who went through suffering and pain to show us how much God loves us. So, we need to be faithful to God and believe in him, he will save us and give us solutions to live a happy and holy life.