Believe and Trust in God

Kulandai Albert csc –

Readings: Job 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Lk 9:51-56

Today the liturgy of the word invites us to have trust in God and love him unceasingly. In the first reading, Job blames and curses everything on earth except the creator, God. He cursed everything for his suffering but except God. It is because he trusted God. He had faith in God till the end. This shows Job’s real righteousness, blamelessness, and uprightness before God, who created him. In the gospel reading, we see that Jesus set out for Jerusalem. Since he was heading towards Jerusalem the Samaritan village didn’t welcome him and his disciples.

However, Jesus was not discouraged by the act of Samaritans. Jesus knew about his mission and his message to the people, but the disciples failed to understand it. Jesus’ mission was to save the world through love. He loved everyone. He hated none, he condemned none.

It is very difficult to have trust in God and love him unceasingly. Because many times we are faced with difficulties and struggles in life. This makes us question God and blame him for what happens to us. But today Job stands as an example for us, not to blame but to trust in God who made everything for us.

Many times difficulties and struggles may arise in our lives to test our faith in God. Sometimes we may feel left alone in our struggles and difficulties, but God is always with us for those who believe in him. Therefore let us have trust in God and love him who created us, who created everything for us. The momentary difficulties and struggles will turn into great blessings when we believe and trust in God. Let us trust and believe in God, who created us.