Become What the Lord Wants Us to Be

Newton Basumatari csc –

Readings: Gen 44:18-21,23b-29;45:1-5; Mt 10: 7-15

Jesus calls each one of us for his mission, that is to make known his love to all humanity. And to respond to his call we need to tune our ears because he communicates to us through different events and different people.

Today we hear in both the readings the purpose of being called by the Lord. In the first reading we meet Joseph who remained faithful to God despite being sold into slavery by his own brothers. The stone rejected by the builders became the corner stone.

God delivered him in the glory of his justice to make known his compassionate love to the people. Sometimes we may not understand God’s plan, but we need to believe that all things work together for those who are called by him for a purpose.

In the gospel we see Jesus commissions his disciples with certain instructions which have implications in the lives of all the followers of every generation. As we have responded to the call of Jesus, we have the responsibility of keeping ourselves busy in getting involved in the life promoting activities. The Lord has promised us to be with us, giving us the courage and competence to do his work.

To accomplish the work of the Lord entrusted to us we need to make sacrifices and endure suffering. When I suffer for the sake of Christ what would be my attitude. Am I going to grumble or complain? or going to accept like Joseph, who had endured the suffering for the sake of God trusting in his wisdom. May the Lord fill us with his wisdom and spirit so that we may be able to become what the Lord wants us to be.