Become Mercy-Givers

By John Desing csc –

Readings: Dan 9: 4-10; Lk 6: 36-38

God is not just merciful, but he is Mercy. He shows his mercy in the history of the Israelites by being patient with them despite their disobedience and sinful deeds. He continues to show his mercy to the new Israelites, that is, each of us through the sacraments in which we receive his grace bountifully. Can any one of us say that we don’t require his grace? All of us stand in need of God’s mercy all the time.

Prophet Daniel reminds us that despite our brokenness and unfaithfulness to observe his statutes, we have been forgiven because mercy and forgiveness belong to God. If we have been shown mercy, why don’t we show it to others?

In the gospel reading, Jesus gave us the so-called golden rules; to show mercy, forgive others, not judge, or condemn them, and to do to others what we would want others do unto us. These rules are meant to help us become perfect just as our heavenly Father. Hence, perfection is not beyond our reach, but a practical one.

The word of God challenges us not to be judgmental and condemn others, especially those in unfortunate situations. Let us look into our inadequacies first before we look at others’. In Jn 8: 7, Jesus said, “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” This basically means only Jesus who is sinless can rightly cast a stone at her, but he did not. Let us become mercy-givers by being sensitive to the needs of the less fortunate ones around us.