Become Bearers of Love, Hope, and Healing

By David Peter csc –

Readings: Gen 41:55-57, 42:5-7, 17-24; Mt 10:1-7

The liturgy of the word gives us a close comparison between Joseph in the Old Testament and Jesus in the New Testament. Both Joseph and Jesus had similar mission of serving humanity. Joseph was entrusted with the mission of feeding the physical hunger of the humanity and that of his family. Despite the wrongdoing of his brothers, he had great love and compassion for them and forgave them.

In the New Testament, we find Jesus entrusted with the mission of redeeming the sinful, the fallen humanity and grant salvation. In today’s gospel, we see that Jesus calls his twelve disciples to give them the mission of proclaiming the good news, cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons.

The reading of the day is appropriate for the current conditions of our people. At the time of Joseph, the people were struggling due to severe famine. In the New Testament, due to the sinful life they were going away from God, and Jesus invites them to repent because the kingdom of God was at hand. The current situation of the Covid pandemic has raised questions on one’s own faith. We see people struggling to meet their daily needs.

Like the disciples in the gospel, we are also being entrusted with the responsibility of bringing life and faith to the people. As we are facing the challenges of the pandemic, let us learn to sacrifice our comforts and reach out to the people in feeding the hungry, giving them the basic medical assistance and fulfill their daily needs. We shall seek the grace of Jesus that we as his messengers be not confined only to words but to involve in doing the good deeds to the people we encounter, so that we may become
the bearers of love, hope, and healing to the humanity.