Become an Instrument of Peace

By Naresh Namindla, CSC –

Readings: Num 24: 2-7, 15-17; Mt 21:23-27

In the first reading we see that Balaam, the messenger of God, speaks in favor of Israel, pronouncing blessings and hope to the people of Israel. He also prophesied saying that “a star shall come from Jacob, to crush the Moabites and Shethites.”

This star is Jesus whom Pharisees and scribes failed to recognize and questioned his authority in today’s Gospel reading.

As Christians, we know who Jesus is. This third week of the advent which is known as the “week of joy” invites us not to fail to recognize Jesus when we face fears and confusion in life and doubt him like Pharisees and scribes. Each one of us is called to prepare oneself spiritually to recognize Jesus in all the circumstances of our lives. As we are nearing the celebration of Christmas, let us ask for the grace to prepare ourselves for child Jesus to be born in our hearts, thus we become an instrument of peace to the self and to the other.

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