Bear Witness to Faith Through Actions

By Vamshi Eedara csc.

Readings: 2 Mac 7: 1, 20-31; Lk 18: 35-43

Today’s readings invite us to bear witness to the gospel values even in our darkest moments. The first reading tells the story of a mother and her seven sons who endured unimaginable suffering and death rather than renouncing their faith. Their unwavering commitment to their beliefs, even in the face of torture and death, serves as a testament to the strength of their faith in God. It challenges us to recognize the immense value of our faith and to protect and nurture it, even when we are facing the hardest moments of our lives.

The gospel reading reminds us of the importance of using our God-given gifts and resources wisely. The parable encourages us to be diligent and faithful stewards of what we have been entrusted with, reminding us that our actions matter and that we are accountable for how we utilize the blessings bestowed upon us. The parable also reminds us that our faith, like the talents, is something to be cultivated and shared. Just as the faithful servants in the parable multiplied their talents, we are called to multiply the blessings of faith, love, and compassion to those who surround us and to the whole world.

Today’s Saint Cecilia is a perfect example of someone who loved Christ and gave her entire life for her faith. She bore witness through her exemplary and holy life. Her life is a reminder that we too can bear witness to our faith through our actions.