Bear Witness by Being Humble and Grateful

Preet Anupam Beck csc.

Readings: 1 Jn 2: 22-28; Jn 1: 19-28

The readings of the day invite me to bear witness to Christ. The first reading encourages me to confess that Jesus is the Christ and to remain in him, fostering the confidence to meet him face to face.

In the Gospel, John the Baptist humbly directs attention to the Messiah who comes after him. Both readings extend an invitation for me to embrace Jesus as the Messiah of my life and to find the courage to declare him as the saviour of the world.

John the Baptist motivates me to speak boldly, with unwavering conviction and assurance. His humility invites me to shift my focus beyond my talents, achievements, comforts, and struggles, placing Jesus at the centre of my life. The most effective way for me to cultivate humility is through gratitude, acknowledging and giving credit to God for who I am and what I have today. I firmly believe that humility and gratitude are two sides of the same coin.

In a world filled with instantaneous choices, I am called to bear witness by being humble and grateful. The challenge for me lies in being a witness for others, remaining faithful to my Christian calling. God invites me to testify on his behalf and, over time, evolve into a witness for others.