Be Witnesses of Christ

By Ishongkun Kurbah, CSC –

Readings: Is 35:1-6, 10; Jas 5:7-10; Mt, 11:2-11

What strikes me the most in today’s Gospel is John the Baptist. Quoting the Scriptures, Jesus said this about John the Baptist: “I am sending a messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way before you.” As we all wait for the coming of Christ don’t you think that we are all called to be like John the Baptist a messenger of Good News and of Christ?

In the same way, in Lk 4:76-78 Zechariah proclaimed about his son John the Baptist “As for you little child you shall be called the prophet of God the most high. You shall go ahead of the Lord to proclaim his way before him, to make to make known to his people their salvation through the forgiveness of their sin, the loving kindness of our God who visits us like the dawn from on high.”

I believe strongly that every one of us is given a mission. We are to be the messengers of Christ. Let us show to the world, to our friends, to our neighbours the tender love and kindness of God and the mercy of the Heavenly Father. We are to proclaim his salvation and forgiveness through our words and deeds.

In our world where worldly fame and prestige have become the main quest, individualism and consumerism have crept into the mind, love and forgiveness have become only a theory and less practiced and God is out of the picture/discussion. Where the young ones are struggling with their career, depression and feel that their life is meaningless and hopeless, we are called to play a prophetic role, to be the messengers and the witnesses of Christ and of his unending love, peace, kindness and mercy.

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