Be the Salt and Light to All

By Shanborlang Mawrie, CSC –

Readings: Is 58:7-10; 1Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16

Why does Jesus say that we are the salt and light to the whole world? Through these two words, salt and light, Jesus wants to tell us the meaning of our existence here on earth. Salt and light do not exist for themselves, they are always for others. Salt adds taste to our food as well as preserving the food from getting spoilt.

Light dispels the darkness. Does our life have the salt so that the people can experience the taste of love when they are unloved, to find inclusiveness when they are excluded, to find hope when they are in despair, and to find strength when they are weak? Does our life have the light to dispel the darkness of injustice, corruption, and division in the society where we live?

How will people experience the salt and light in our lives if we have only negative thoughts, self-centeredness, pride, despair, etc. which are tasteless and dark? How will we get fruit if the trees do not bear fruit? It is a tragedy if we have the knowledge of everything and hold a high position in any career, but do not have the salt and light in our day-to-day living.

We are called to be the salt and light first within ourselves and to reach out to all the people without any discrimination, like Jesus our Master who came not to be served but to serve by being the salt and light to all.