Be Strengthened in the Spirit of Christ

Martin Madalai Muthu csc –

Readings: Is 6: 1-8; Mt 10: 24-33

Whom shall I send? Who will go for us? This is the invitation extended by God in the first reading. We all know that God qualifies the called. We failed to get qualified often due to the fear which kills the growth process and makes us get stagnated.

Fear is a very common aspect of our life and each of us face fear every day. Ultimate reason for the fear is fear of death which kills us from within. The reason why a person gets so much scared of facing the death is he/she wants to live a longer and happy life with the near and dear ones.

But today in the Gospel reading Jesus tells his disciples not to be frightened about any one and even of death. Though he knew about his death, Jesus did not give up, he continued to be what he was sent for.

Now he invites us to take him as a role model in the world so that we may not give up the zeal for his mission. He is training us to be strong enough to proclaim the good news amidst trials and temptations. The whole world may stand against us to stop us from proclaiming Christ, but they can not destroy our spirit. It may be possible for them to hurt our body but not our spirit.

God calls each of us for his mission. And often we neglect the call or try to avoid it when we are faced with difficulties in following him. So let us not lose our heart when we face opposition in our ministry.

God always seeks each one of us for his mission and reminds us to be committed to the responsibilities given to us. So, let us be courageous and be strengthened in the spirit of Christ and always respond to the needs saying, “here I am! send me.”