Be Steadfast in Holding on to God

By Santhiya Philomone csc –

Readings: Jas 5: 9-12; Mk 10:1-12

Through the first reading, St. James is inviting us to be genuine in what we say and do. Let our ‘yes’ mean a ‘yes’ and our ‘No’ mean a ‘No’. The reading tells us not to have a double mind. As Christians, we should be known for our integrity and transparency. Our conversation with others must be truthful and genuine.

In the gospel reading, the Pharisees test Jesus by asking, ‘is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” Understanding the mind of the Pharisees, Jesus answers cleverly saying marriage is an act of two people, where they become one in flesh, mind and heart.

Jesus speaks about the true commitment that transforms their promises into a reality. Commitment is one of the supreme values, where one can become trustworthy in the eyes of God. Being committed is not just doing what is asked of us but in offering ourselves with total trust.

After reflecting on these readings, I realized: how powerful a ‘yes’ can be. I said ‘yes’ to the Lord and every day I say ‘I do’: Am I faithful to that ‘yes’? Does my ‘yes’ remain a ‘yes’? I understand that my commitment will be tested by the fire of trials, sacrifices, and temptations. In such moments, I need to be steadfast in holding on to my God and my Lord.