Be Receptive to His Messages

Kulandai Albert csc –

Readings: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Mt 13:10-17

The readings of the day remind us that the reign of God can be both perceived and realized by listening to the word and practicing the word of God given to us respectively. There were moments we listened to the word of God but couldn’t understand anything. So, to make us think, realize, and understand the word of God Jesus gives us the parables and invites us to relate with the messages.

The most important thing is our personal response. If there is no openness and response to the message of Jesus nothing will remain within us. Faith is indeed a gift which open our hearts to whatever God wants to communicate with us. The message of God will have effect on us only if we live message to the full. When we are open to recognize God’s presence in the poor, marginalized, untouchable, destitute, and downtrodden our understanding of God will grow and flourish.

Therefore, we ask the Lord to bless us with the gift of the ability to listen to the word and help us to keep our eyes and ears open to be receptive to his messages.