Be Ready to Serve the Lord

Tarsish Marak csc

Readings: Dan 7:9-10.13-14; 2Pet 1:16-19; Mt 17:1-9

“Lord, it is good to be here”. Today, we celebrate the feast of transfiguration of Jesus. This feast invites us to regenerate Christ in our life. Christ is the light who receives grace from the Father and offers light to us through his disciples. The three disciples witness the transfiguration of Jesus, and they see Christ’s face shine like the sun, and his clothes as white as light. These disciples are surprised and shocked to see the complete transfiguration of their master before their eyes. They also hear his Father’s voice glorifying him and revealing his identity to them.

At the time of baptism, we have received Christ who himself is the light and we agreed to carry on his light. Therefore, we need to reignite the light within us and experience the transfiguration in our daily lives. How do we reignite light that is within us? How do we experience transfigurations or changes in our lives? Every time we experience a moment of peace, joy, reconciliation, or forgiveness, it is a sign of God’s presence with us and we need to be grateful for the changes that are taking place. The moment we help another person is a moment of transfiguration. And each time somebody shows care and concern for us is a moment when God is reaching out to us.

So, let us pray for the grace of change in our lives because life does not change by itself unless we make changes in our lives. Our Lord is ever ready to transfigure us and wants us to be upright in our beliefs and faithful in our daily journey with him. Be ready to serve the Lord and let us hold on to Christ as the disciples said, ‘Lord it is good to be here.’ Let us say, ‘Lord, how good it is to be with you.’