Be Open to the Promptings of the Spirit

Thomas Lima csc

Readings: 1 Jn 1:5, 2:2; Mt 2:13-18

Today we celebrate the feast of the holy innocents. It is heart-breaking to imagine the slaughter of these children, the holy innocents. This feast invites me to have a transparent life like a child.

It is reminding me to exercise my care, concern, and love for the humanity, especially the infants. There are many innocent children who are being killed. Millions of children are abused, murdered, and aborted. They are holy innocent people. We have a world deliberately trying to eradicate innocent people for the sake of their own desires.

Every single person including me has a responsibility to save those children. But the positive outcome is not happening. I have judged others and excused myself from helping others. The question is, have I done enough for others? Have I loved enough? I am sure I have not done as Joseph did to save the life of Jesus.

The gospel talks about King Herod who was a furious, envious, and jealous person. Killing others had become a part of his reign. The attitude of King Herold reminds me that there will come a time when the enemy would find ways to destroy my life, especially my relationship with my God. In times of weakness and shortcomings, I need to hold on to the divine mercy and the grace of God.

The gospel teaches me to always uphold and follow the instructions that will be given to me. I must have faith in his plans because he knows what is best for me. Let me always stay faithful and follow his teachings. I need to be open to the promptings of the Spirit in order to respond to the will of God.